This update includes support for the new Elastic Tables feature, XML data type and more.
SQL 4 CDS v7.2 Released
This latest update includes more powerful text-handling capabilities, particularly for non-English environments, more performance improvements and confirmation prompts in Azure Data Studio.
SQL 4 CDS v7.1 Released
Along with some important updates to the existing SQL 4 CDS suite of tools, this release brings brand new integrations for SSMS 19 and Azure Data Studio!
SQL 4 CDS v7 Released
Or, the Power Platform Conference 2022 Edition! I’m finishing this post from the conference now – if you’d like to say hello while I’m here please get in touch!
SQL 4 CDS 6.4 Released
I’ve just published SQL 4 CDS 6.4 with support for earlier versions of CRM and more complex queries. I’ve also been setting up a wiki with more detailed information.
SQL 4 CDS 6.3 Released
I’ve just released SQL 4 CDS v6.3 with a number of useful improvements and fixes.
SQL 4 CDS 6.2 Released
This is mostly a bug fix release, but with one new SQL feature implemented which could be very useful for testing and ALM usage scenarios.
SQL 4 CDS 6.1 Released
It’s only been a month since I released v6, but I’ve just published v6.1 with some useful new updates. You’ll need to make sure you’re running the latest version of XrmToolBox (1.2022.4.55) to run this new version.
SQL 4 CDS v6 Released
It’s time for another big update to SQL 4 CDS – this one’s been in the works for 3 months and has got some great improvements to its level of SQL support, performance, integration with SSMS and reusability in custom apps. New SQL support: Variables You can now declare and Continue Reading
SQL 4 CDS ADO.NET Provider
As well as lots of new SQL language support in SQL 4 CDS v6, I also tried to make it much easier to reuse the SQL 4 CDS engine in your own applications. The latest version of the NuGet package now includes an ADO.NET provider you can use in exactly Continue Reading